Seorang Pemimpin harus memperhatikan prilaku bawahannya

Seorang Pemimpin harus memperhatikan prilaku bawahannya berikut kutipan dari Leadhership First

According to Tim McClure, when passionate employees become quiet, it usually sends a signal that the work environment has become very dysfunctional. As a result, suspicion and insecurity clouds the culture, and employees retreat into self-protection behavior patterns to protect themselves from the forces within the company.

According to Jonathan Mills, the growing unease disables focus, breaks trust in leadership, and a wave of negative energy ripples through the entire organization with the same force that their previous positive energy induced.

When your most passionate employees become quiet, it’s a signal that something is out of alignment, and as the leader, this is something you must observe and act on immediately. People don’t lose their motivation and inspiration overnight; it’s always a combination of small and big things that creeps into the organization slowly consistently over time.

When you have a team passionate, inspired, and motivated to help the company achieve its vision while fulfilling its purpose, you must do everything in your power to ensure that this team keeps this vibe. Otherwise, you run the risk of pushing away great talent while settling for mediocrity.

Check out more here:

About Kecamatan Sawoo

Kecamatan Sawoo perupakan penyelenggara Pemerintahan Umum, Pemberdayaan masyarakat, Pelayanan Public, Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, Ketentraman dan Ketertiban Umum, terkoordinir secara administratif di Sekretariat Kecamatan Sawoo Kecamatan Sawoo terletak di ujung tenggara Kabupaten Ponorogo berada di Jalan Nasional 3 Ponorogo-Trenggalek Kilometer 21. wilayah administratif terdiri dari 14 Desa : 1. Desa Tumpuk; 2. Desa Pangkal; 3. Desa Tumpakpelem 4. Desa Tempuran; 5. Desa Sriti 6. Desa Temon; 7. Desa Sawoo; 8. Desa Prayungan; 9. Desa Tugurejo; 10. Desa Grogol; 11. Desa Ketro; 12. Desa Kori; 13. Desa Bondrang; 14. Desa Ngindeng. 75% wilayahnya berada di pegunungan dalam Map,+Kabupaten+Ponorogo,+Jawa+Timur/@-7.9760927,111.5371395,12.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e790e94580398e3:0x4027a76e3532930!8m2!3d-7.9893716!4d111.5826028

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